
5 Simple Gift Ideas for Your New Girlfriend!

So you’ve finally found that special someone and now it’s time to buy them something. You don’t want your love interest to think that they’re just a prize, so here are some thoughtful gifts for your new girlfriend.


Flowers are a great gift idea for a new girlfriend. Roses are a classic and can be quite pricey, but if you want to go the cheaper route, carnations work just as well. You could also get your flowers delivered with a corsage or a single flower from your garden–which actually shows that you’re more of a man who cares about his house plants. Flowers from the grocery store are always an option too!

A box of chocolates

A box of chocolates is never a bad idea. There are so many different kinds and you can find one that suits any taste or preference that your girlfriend might have. Depending on the occasion, you could even go the more elegant route with a box of Godiva chocolates–or you could go for something sweeter like a Whitman’s sampler.

A box of chocolates makes a great gift for a new girlfriend!

Tickets to a concert or show

Tickets to a concert or show can be another one of those thoughtful gestures that you might want to give your new girlfriend. You could buy show tickets for her favorite band, or you could buy her the opening night tickets for her favorite Broadway show. If she’s into concerts, try buying her tickets for any local music festivals coming up. Tickets are something that are guaranteed to make her really happy!

Romantic dinner at home

The next thing that you might want to do is invite your new girlfriend in for a romantic dinner at home. You can do this by buying a bouquet of flowers and a nice bottle of wine. If you’re not too sure about what kind of flowers to buy, it’s always a safe bet to go with roses, tulips, or carnations. Pick one flower from your garden and place it in the center of the table so she’ll know how much work you put into this date night. The wine might be up to her preference–she could enjoy something sweeter like Moscato, or maybe she would prefer something more spicy like Cabernet Sauvignon. It’s all up to you and what your girlfriend responds to. You can also splurge on a nice bottle of champagne for this date night, as long as it’s not too expensive because you’re trying to be frugal.

Engraved necklace with her name on it

An engraved necklace with her name on it is a great idea for your new girlfriend. This necklace can be anything from a small two-letter monogram to an elaborate necklace with the couple’s initials. The most important thing about this gift is that you don’t want it to be too big or too expensive, because if she thinks you’re too generous, she might think you’re trying to buy her love.

Custom Dated Engraved Necklace on Eve’s Addiction

There you have it! These are some great gifts for your new girlfriend. Flowers and chocolate can’t go wrong, and tickets and a nice dinner at home will instantly make her swoon. If this is your first date with your new girlfriend, then you might want to start off small with one of the more affordable options before advancing into bigger and more expensive things.