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Best Glamping Gifts

The Best Glamping Near NYC at Parks, Campgrounds and in the Wild

Glamping is a catch-all term for activities in nature that have some of the fancier trappings of camping, but which involve staying in a fully equipped tent or cabin with modern amenities. It’s perfect for people who enjoy being outside, but don’t want to leave the comforts of their indoors life behind. This article will explore how you can create the perfect glamping experience with these great gifts.

How to stay toasty

There are a few different pieces of equipment that can make the glamping experience more enjoyable. One of the most important is insulation. It’s not uncommon for temperatures to get quite cold in locations where people commonly go glamping, and without proper insulation the inhabitants of a tent could end up freezing through the night. Campers may want to look into getting a sleeping bag that is rated for colder weather, or they can just buy one of the great electric blankets that are marketed specifically towards glampers.

One way to improve the energy efficiency of your tent is with some camping curtains. It can be hard to sleep when it gets hot during the day and cold at night, so having some curtains to help block out the sunlight during the day and let in fresh air at night is an absolute necessity. Most tents come with windows that can be zipped open, but curtains are still nice because they cover up cracks around the windows where insects could sneak in.

When Nature Calls

LANGRIA 5.3 gal Portable Toilet
Freshwater & Waste water Tank included

Another piece of equipment to consider bringing along when glamping is a camping toilet. It’s the same idea as a modern flushable toilet, but it works off of gravity and requires no water so that you can use it in locations where water is scarce. It may seem like overkill to include one with your glamping gear if nobody in the group has to use a wheelchair or crutches, but they’re very helpful for anyone who has trouble walking.

Let the Games Begin!

Camping is fun, but it can get a little boring if you’re stuck with the same routine every night. It’s always nice to shake things up and try new things, and that can be accomplished by bringing along some camping games like KanJam, Ultimate Frisbee or Spike Ball. Each of these games can be played with little or no equipment, and they’re perfect for getting everyone in the group to do something together.

KanJam is a game that is played with two teams of two people. The object of the game is to throw a plastic disc into a hole on the other team’s side of the net. Players can sidestep and spin around to avoid being tagged by an opposing player, but they’re allowed only ten seconds per turn. If they’re tagged, then their turn ends immediately. The first team to make it fifty points wins.

Kan Jam Drinking Game

Ultimate Frisbee is a two-to-four-player rally sport where players pass a disk to each other in order to catch it in the end zone. Players cannot run around the opponent’s end zone with the disk, and if you catch another player’s throw, you’re not allowed to advance your own disk. Players are only allowed one pivot, by which you must stop where you are and hold the disk up for someone else to catch it.

Spike Ball is a combination of volleyball, soccer, badminton and tennis, but with much more high-intensity action than any of those sports. There are four players on each team, and the net is set at three feet high. Players can’t use their hands to touch the ball; it must be hit with a closed fist. This game is perfect for people who like physical activity, because players are allowed one minute of rest after every point scored.

Boozy without the added weight

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More Mini Keg options

Finally, many glampers like to drink while they’re camping. They may not want to bring along full bottles of their favorite booze because those can be heavy, fragile and bulky, but you don’t need a bottle at all if you decide to go the beer-pong route instead. It’s a great way for everyone in the group to contribute and it can also be a lot of fun, so you might want to consider putting some cups and ping pong balls in with your camping gear. Glamping is about getting away from the demands of everyday life and spending time with the people you care about, and these gifts will help make that happen.

Some Fun Camping Accessories | Grand View Campground

The best glamping gifts are ones that enhance the experience of staying in nature. It’s something that everyone can enjoy, even people who don’t like camping. When you’re trying to get a group of people to do something together, you’re going to need some activities that everyone will enjoy. The last thing that you want is for the entire glamping trip to end up being boring and stressful, so it’s important that you try to find a variety of things for everyone in the group to enjoy doing outdoors.