Adventurous Gifts Top 10

Is your comfort zone a toxic place?!

Why Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone Is The Best Thing You Can Do For Your  Career

It’s easy to become stagnant and comfortable, but the only thing you’ll accomplish by doing so is staying exactly where you are. For this reason, it’s important to get out of your comfort zone every now and then with new experiences that will make you uncomfortable in order to grow as a person. Here are some ways to do it!


When you’re feeling down, it’s important to do something that will make you feel good. Purchasing a photoshoot for yourself is a great way to do this! Not only will you get some beautiful new photos, but you’ll also have the chance to feel like a model for a day. You’ll be able to feel confident and beautiful, and you’ll be able to show the world how fabulous you are.

Boudoir, Lifestyle and intimate family portraits

Getting involved in a creative activity such as photography, painting or writing is a great way to step out of your comfort zone and try something new! It’s important to challenge yourself and do things that will allow you to grow. When we do this we expand our boundaries and learn how to be more accepting and compassionate towards ourselves and others!


Improv Level One: The Principles of Improv
Starting at $40.00

To get out of my comfort zone, I signed up for improv classes. At first, I was shaky and shy, but after doing it a few times, I really began to enjoy myself! It made me feel confident in public speaking, more creative in general, and helped me break out of my shell. Improvisation is also surprisingly fun since you get to be someone totally different every time you step on stage. There’s a lot of room for creativity and you can be anyone from a time travelling witch to a crazy ballerina.

The best part is that it doesn’t cost much! Do it! You’ll thank me later.

It’s not just for circus performers anymore!

Static Trapeze Artist
Sessions starting at $25.00 per month

Trapeze is a great way to challenge your comfort zone, and you don’t need any experience to get started. All you need is someone to show you how to do it, and away you go! Plus, the people who teach trapeze are pretty amazing (they’re professional performers), so they’ll make sure that you always feel safe. If you want to build up the courage to try something new, this is the perfect opportunity. Just remember to breathe, and you’ll be fine!

Free Falling

Starting at $189.00

Sky diving is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart, but it’s an exhilarating experience that will leave you feeling like you can conquer the world. When you’re sky diving, you’re completely free and in control, and you’ll feel the rush of adrenaline as you plunge towards the earth.

There’s something about the feeling of freefalling through the air that’s incredibly liberating, and it’s a sensation that you’ll never forget. If you’re looking for an extreme way to test your limits, then sky diving is definitely for you. Just be sure to have a trusted friend with you who can record your amazing adventure!

Parkour, Breakdancing and +

Parkour, Ninja Warrior, Tumbling, Trampoline, Nerf, Silks, Bar, Break Dancing, Pole+

If you’re feeling really brave, why not try something new? Parkour is a great way to get out of your comfort zone with movements that are intense and physically demanding. It also builds up endurance and physical strength that can be used in all areas of life. Plus, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of conquering a difficult obstacle!

Breakdancing is another great activity to test your boundaries. It might seem simple at first, but it’s actually extremely complex and requires a lot of dedication to perform well. Breakdancing also has excellent benefits for its practitioners with increased endurance, agility, coordination, reflexes, self-confidence and self-esteem. All of these are needed if you want to feel more confident in yourself!

Remember, being comfortable doesn’t always mean that you’re doing well. If you don’t challenge yourself every once in a while, then your comfort zone will become toxic and hard to get out of. It’s important to go outside of your comfort zone every now and then just to keep things interesting. I hope you try out some of these ideas!