Gifts Top 10

The top 10 hottest gifts for 2021

You’ve made it to the end of another year, and now the holidays are just around the corner. But what do you get your friends? Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of trending items that will be sure to please any person on your shopping list! This list includes everything from tech gear to moody candles, so you’ll be sure to find something that suits their interests no matter what. Let’s take a look at some popular trends in this article!

10. Novelty socks

No longer are novelty socks consigned to just your gran’s sock drawer! With the release of several popular styles that are designed to be worn without shoes, it won’t be long before your friends start showing off their new favorite pair of kicks. Whether they’re ultra comfy or designed to keep their feet warm, these socks are the perfect gift to add that extra little bit of flair.

9. Mood lighting

After several popular tech companies released mood-lighting kits this year, you won’t be able to walk down the street without seeing at least one person with a new set in their home. These LED lightbulbs are designed to mimic natural light and can be adjusted by your phone’s app to get the perfect lighting for any situation. From waking up in the morning to setting a romantic mood at night, these lights have been taking over homes across America this year.

Nano Leaf

8. Sustainable candles

These candles aren’t just pretty! As consumers start becoming more aware of how their everyday habits affect the world around them, sustainable products are growing more popular by the day. These candles are not only beautiful but also made from recycled materials that will leave your home smelling good without filling it with harmful chemicals– talk about multitasking!

7. Fitness trackers

Although they started becoming popular years ago, these wristbands have become an increasingly common sight in the past few months. By tracking your activity, fitness trackers have been shown to help people achieve weight loss goals and stay in good health– which has made them the perfect gift for anyone that you know wants to get healthier next year!

6. Electronic pets

Every child needs a cuddly friend, but unfortunately not every kid is lucky enough to have one. That’s why tech companies have seen an increase in demand for electronic pets that are designed with the same look and feel as a real animal, but are much more low-maintenance! It won’t be long before your friends start asking for these cuddly little critters under the tree.

5. Virtual reality

Virtual reality is here to stay. These headsets give people the opportunity to experience something that they couldn’t otherwise, without ever leaving their home. Whether you’re soaring through space or participating in a thrilling VR roller coaster ride, these new gadgets are sure to become a staple of any tech-savvy person’s life next year!

4. 3D art

Is there someone on your list that’s trying to add a creative touch to their home? This 3D anaglyph art is the perfect gift for them! By placing this paper over a light source, the hidden image becomes visible and creates a unique effect that looks great in dorm rooms or living rooms alike. It’s a great way to add a little flair to your room, and it’s sure to be a conversation starter for whoever unwraps this gift next Christmas!

3D Art (3D Glasses Required

3. Virtual assistants

You’ve probably noticed that virtual assistants have been popping up everywhere lately. Although they were first launched as a feature on phones, these bots can now be found in everything from smart speakers to toys. People love the ability to control their homes with just their voice! Virtual assistants are not only easy to use, but also allow people more privacy than they would get from asking someone else for help.

2. Weighted Blankets

Weighted blankets started becoming popular years ago. They have been welcomed and loved by people from all over because of their benefits. They sooth and aid folks with anxiety, ADHD and autism. They also improve sleep troubles, any of your loved ones would love this gift.

Weighted Blanket from Target

1. Sneakers

Sneakers have been a hot item ever since their inception, but this past year showed a huge spike in demand for them. From children wanting to follow their parents’ example to adults looking for a stylish way to exercise, it’s no surprise that the demand is skyrocketing! With new trends constantly emerging and classic styles going out of style within months, there will be no shortage of people asking for a fresh pair next Christmas.

This year has seen an increase in demand for all of the items on this list, and there’s no doubt that they’ll be popular well into the future. Whether you’re looking to buy a gift for someone who loves technology or prefers more creative gifts, these 10 trendy picks are sure to please! Keep them in mind when searching for your next present- giving season rolls around again. Who knows? You might even want one yourself!