Adventurous Gifts Personalized Gifts

Write me a Forever Letter!

Remember those times you and your friends planned a trip to Jamaica in order to escape the mundane routines? How fun were those excursions you all went on? Then there’s always the “What ever happened to all those pictures we took ? !”

Opinion | You Should Start Writing Letters - The New York Times

What better way to show your friends how much you miss them,-post vacation trip- then by gifting them a Letter blanket that includes a taste of the memories you’ve made together.

Snail Mail Me!

Not an envelope with a traditional letter written on it, but with a meaningful package. Who doesn’t get excited when there’s a just because package in their mailbox ? ! Surprise your friends with a soft, cozy and warm letter blanket they’ll be able to use when sitting on the couch, by a bonfire, at the airport etc. I have the perfect shop for this gift !

Sam and Zoey has five different styles of letter blankets that you can personalize. The two styles that I’m focusing on for our traveling connoisseurs are the Air Mail and Post card throw blankets.

Only #39.95 on Sam and Zoey
Custom Airmail Postcard Throw Blanket

You can include a personalized message for only $39.95. If you would like to include visuals of the memories you’re describing in your letter, Sam and Zoey also has an option for this. There is an additional $50.00 Design/Art fee if you would like to include pictures. Please keep in mind that the pictures need to be high quality so that the images aren’t distorted when printed onto the blanket of your choice. This fee includes a max of three, high quality images.

Custom Letter Airmail Throw Blanket
Only $39.95 on Sam and Zoey

Giving a personalized letter blanket as a gift is the perfect way to show your friends how much you miss them. Not only are they functional and warm, but they also include a taste of the memories you’ve made together. Snail mail has never been so exciting!

Cheers to forever memories and more to come !

Opinion: Bad memories should not be forgotten, help to appreciate good  times | Daily |